Creating Absences

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Elements for Adding Absences

ContractCode*Str 11Contract’s import code in Merit Palk
system or employee’s Personal ID Code
Typecode*Int1 – Põhipuhkus (Annual Vacation)
3 – Lapsepuhkus (tööandja hüvitab) (Child leave (reimbursable)) - kuni aprillini 2022 / valid until April 2022
4 – Pikendatud põhipuhkus (Extended annual vacation (minors
and incapacity pensioners))
5 – Isapuhkus (tööandja hüvitab) (Paternity leave (reimbursable))
6 – Õppepuhkus (Study leave)
7 – Töövõimetus (Temporary incapacity (“sick leave”))
8 – Puudega lapse lapsepuhkus (tööandja hüvitab) (Child leave for parents of disabled child (reimbursable)) - kuni aprillini 2022 / valid until April 2022
9 – Puudumine tööandja loal (Leave on employer permission)
10 – Hoolduspuhkus (Carer’s leave)

1001 – Tööluus (Absent from work)
1004 – Palgata puhkus (Unpaid vacation)
1005 – Vanemapuhkus (Parental leave) - endise nimetusega Lapsehoolduspuhkus / previously named Child care leave
1006 – Aja- ja asendusteenistus (Leave for national service)
1008 – Töövõimetus (tööandja ei hüvita) (Temporary incapacity (without
employer’s compensation))
1009 – Muu (arvatakse tööaasta hulka) (Other (included in the working year))
1010 – Muu (ei arvata tööaasta hulka) (Other (not included in the working year))
1011 – Lapsepuhkus (tasustamata) (Child leave without pay)
1012 - Töövõimetus (lõpetamata) (Temporary incapacity (uncompleted))
1013 - Isapuhkus (tööandja ei hüvita) (Paternity leave (not reimbursable))
1014 - Emapuhkus (Maternity leave) - endise nimetusega Sünnitusleht
1015 - Lapsepuhkus - kehtiv alates 01.04.2022 / valid from 01.04.2022
1016 - Puudega lapse lapsepuhkus - kehtiv alates 01.04.2022 / valid from 01.04.2022
StartDate*DateAbsence start date
AbsenceDaysDecimal 12.4Number of absence days
Month*IntActive month.
Year*IntActive year.
DocNameStr 64Name or number of the document.
EndDateDateAbsence end date. Ignored if
AbsenceDays has value.
AvgTypeInt1 – Six month average
2 – Continous
3 – Custom sum (CustomSum needed)

If AvgType not given, then Merit Palk will calculate absence sum, if needed, in the most favorable way for the employee.
CustomSumDecimal 12.4Absence salary sum if AvgType = 3
IncapStartDayIntOn which absence day of the
incapacity, the compensation
2 – on second day of incapacity
3 – on third day of incapacity
4 – on fourth day of incapacity
IncapPercentDecimal 12.4Incapacity compensation percent.
Percent rate has to stay between 70
to 100.

Compensation regulation for sick leaves has changed temporarily due to Covid-19! Employer’s compensation for employee sick leave can only start from the second day. Changes are temporary and apply for sick leaves which have issued from 01.01.2021 until 31.12.2022.

In order to reduce employee’s own responsibility in the event of illness and to reduce the risk of people becoming ill at work, thereby limiting the spread of COVID-19, the government decided to change the sick pay compensation system. According to the new procedure, the first day of illness is the employee’s own responsibility, the employer pays the benefit from the second to the fifth day, and the health insurance fund pays the benefit for sick days from the sixth day.