Estonia: https://aktiva.merit.ee/api/v1/sendpurchorderPoland: https://program.360ksiegowosc.pl/api/v1/sendpurchorder
Query Payload
Please make sure that PDF is valid fail and correctly encoded into Base64. We validate these attachements. This is quite otfen that API responds with error because of attachment that is broken file.
Also, if you want to send expense document instead of invoice, please use attribute ExpenseClaim: true.
If you want to send document straight to book keeping with general ledger records and stuff. Pealse use endpoint sendpurchinvoice .
Exampe Payload1:
Field Type Comment
Vendor VendorObject
ExpenseClaim bool If false, it indicates a normal purchase invoice. If true, the purchase invoice is handled as presented by responsible employee for expense claim.
DocDate Date
DueDate Date
TransactionDate Date
BillNo Str 35
RefNo Str 36
BankAccount Str 50
CurrencyCode Str 4
CurrencyRate Decimal 18.7
DepartmentCode Str 20 If used then must be found in the company database.
ProjectCode Str 20 If used then must be found in the company database.
InvoiceRow Array of InvoiceRowObjects
TaxAmount Array of TaxObjects Required
RoundingAmount Decimal 18.2 Use it for rounding invoice totalsum. Does not affect TotalAmount.
TotalAmount Decimal 18.2 Amount without VAT
Payment Payment object
Hcomment String 4K Comment before invoice rows
Fcomment String 4K Comment after invoice rows
Attachment AttachmentObject
PolDocType int 1 Poland only
Field Type Comment
Id Guid If filled and vendor is found in the database then following fields are not important. If not found, the vendor is added using the following fields.
Name Str 150 Required when vendor is added
RegNo Str 30
VatAccountable Bool Required when vendor is added. Allowed true or false (lowercase).
VatRegNo Str 30
CurrencyCode Str 4
PaymentDeadLine Int If missing then taken from default settings.
OverDueCharge Decimal 5.2 If missing then taken from default settings.
Address Str 100
City Str 30
County Str 100
PostalCode Str 15
CountryCode Str 2 Required when adding
PhoneNo Str 50
PhoneNo2 Str 50
HomePage Str 80
Email Str 80
Field Type Comment
Code Str 20 Required. Must be found in company database.
Description Str 100 Required
Type Int 1 = stock item, 2 = service, 3 = item. Required.
UOMName Str 64 Name for the unit. Required for stock item
DefLocationCode Str 20 If company has more than one (default) stock, stock code in this field is required if the item is a stock item and does not exist yet.
Field Type Comment
Item ItemObject
Quantity Decimal 18.3
Price Decimal 18.7
TaxId Guid Required. Use gettaxes endpoint to detect the guid needed
LocationCode Str 20 Used for stock items and multiple stocks. If used then must be found in the company database.
DepartmentCode Str 20 If used then must be found in the company database.
GLAccountCode Str 10 General ledger Account code. If used then must be found in the company database
ProjectCode Str 20 If used then must be found in the company database
CostCenterCode Str 20 If used then must be found in the company database
Field Type Comment
TaxId Guid Required. Use gettaxes endpoint to detect the guid needed
Amount Decimal 18.2
Field Type Comment
PaymentMethod Str 150 Name of the payment method. Must be found in the company database.
PaidAmount Decimal 18.2 Amount with VAT (not more) or less if partial payment
PaymDate Date YYYYmmddHHii
Field Type Comment
FileName Str
FileContent Str PDF In Base64 format
Estonia: https://aktiva.merit.ee/api/v2/sendpurchorder Poland: https://program.360ksiegowosc.pl/api/v2/sendpurchorder
Field Type Comment
PolDocType int 1 Poland only
Vendor VendorObject
DocDate Date
DueDate Date
BillNo Str 35
RefNo Str 36
CurrencyCode Str 4
DepartmentCode Str 20 If used then must be found in the company database.
Dimensions Array of Dimensions objects
InvoiceRow Array of InvoiceRowObjects
TotalAmount Decimal 18.2 Amount without VAT
RoundingAmount Decimal 18.2 Use it for rounding invoice totalsum. Does not affect TotalAmount.
TaxAmount Array of TaxObjects Required
Hcomment String 4K Comment before invoice rows
Fcomment String 4K Comment after invoice rows
Attachment AttachmentObject
Payment Payment object
BankAccount Str 50
ExpenseClaim bool If false, it indicates a normal purchase invoice. If true, the purchase invoice is handled as presented by responsible employee for expense claim.
Receiver ReceiverObject
Field Type Comment
Id Guid If filled and vendor is found in the database then following fields are not important. If not found, the vendor is added using the following fields.
Name Str 150 Required when vendor is added
RegNo Str 30
VatAccountable Bool Required when vendor is added. Allowed true or false (lowercase).
VatRegNo Str 30
CurrencyCode Str 4
PaymentDeadLine Int If missing then taken from default settings.
OverDueCharge Decimal 5.2 If missing then taken from default settings.
Address Str 100
City Str 30
County Str 100
PostalCode Str 15
CountryCode Str 2 Required when adding
PhoneNo Str 50
PhoneNo2 Str 50
HomePage Str 80
Email Str 80
Field Type Comment
Code Str 20 Required. Must be found in company database.
Description Str 100 Required
Type Int 1 = stock item, 2 = service, 3 = item. Required.
UOMName Str 64 Name for the unit. Required for stock item
DefLocationCode Str 20 If company has more than one (default) stock, stock code in this field is required if the item is a stock item and does not exist yet.
Field Type Comment
Item ItemObject
Quantity Decimal 18.3
Price Decimal 18.7
TaxId Guid Required. Use gettaxes endpoint to detect the guid needed
LocationCode Str 20 Used for stock items and multiple stocks. If used then must be found in the company database.
DepartmentCode Str 20 If used then must be found in the company database.
GLAccountCode Str 10 General ledger Account code. If used then must be found in the company database
ProjectCode Str 20 If used then must be found in the company database
CostCenterCode Str 20 If used then must be found in the company database
Dimensions Array of Dimensions objects
Field Type Comment
TaxId Guid Required. Use gettaxes endpoint to detect the guid needed
Amount Decimal 18.2
Field Type Comment
PaymentMethod Str 150 Name of the payment method. Must be found in the company database.
PaidAmount Decimal 18.2 Amount with VAT (not more) or less if partial payment
PaymDate Date YYYYmmddHHii
Field Type Comment
FileName Str
FileContent Str PDF In Base64 format
Field Type Comment
DimId Int
DimValueId Guid
DimCode Str
Field Type Comment
Id Guid If filled and receiver (vendor) is found in the database then following fields are not important. If not found, the receiver is added using the following fields.
Name Str 150 Required when receiver is added
RegNo Str 30
VatAccountable Bool Required when receiver is added. Allowed “true” or “false” (lowercase).
VatRegNo Str 30
CurrencyCode Str 4
PaymentDeadLine Int If missing then taken from default settings.
OverDueCharge Decimal 5.2 If missing then taken from default settings.
Address Str 100
City Str 30
County Str 100
PostalCode Str 15
CountryCode Str 2 Required when adding
PhoneNo Str 50
PhoneNo2 Str 50
HomePage Str 80
Email Str 80
Successful Result
Field Type VendorId Guid BillId Guid BillNo Str RefNo Str